Asiatic Lily Orange
sold out -
Asiatic Lily Pink Bicolor
sold out -
Atlantic Beauty Red Premium Canna Lily Bulbs
sold outPet Friendly -
Australian Umbrella Tree
sold out -
Autumnal Fuchsia
sold outPet Friendly -
Baby Bliss Flax Lily 'Dianella'
sold out -
Baby Blue Eucalyptus
sold out -
Baby Rubber Plant (Variegated Peperomia)
From $43.00Pet Friendly -
15% Off
Baby Rubber Plant in Speckled Mini Pots 4-Pack
sold outPet Friendly -
Basil Genovese
sold outPet Friendly -
Bear's Paw
sold out -
Begonia I'Conia® Portofino Yellow
sold out -
Berggarten Sage
sold outPet Friendly -
Bicolor Cane Dragon Tree (Dracaena)
sold out -
15% Off
Big Burly Bundle
$215.00 $254.00 -
Big Red Kangaroo Paw
sold out -
15% Off
Bigger, Bushier Pet-Friendly Collection - Medium
sold outPet Friendly -
Bigleaf Hydrangea
sold out -
Bird's Nest Fern
sold outPet Friendly -
15% Off
Birds of a Feather Duo
$98.00 $116.00 -
Black Anthurium (Flamingo Flower)
sold out -
Black Calla Lily
sold out -
Black Coral Snake Plant
sold out -
Black Diamond Snake Plant
sold out
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All Pet Safe Plants
Keep your furry friends safe by choosing houseplants for your home that are nontoxic to them. These plants will add color and texture to your decor while keeping your cats and dogs safe and happy. Shop our collection of pet friendly plants!

All Plants
Lively Root’s collection helps you find whatever house plants you need, in one place and easily delivered to your door. From lush foliage plants to vibrant blooms, towering palm trees to mini succulent selections, we’ve got the perfect plant for every space.

Best Selling Plants
You've found the perfect place to choose your next new plant friend. Check out our best-sellers, most of which are easy to care for and highly air-purifying so you can enjoy them with minimal effort.
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