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  • Australian Umbrella Tree Featured Image

Australian Umbrella Tree

Heptapleurum actinophyllum aka Schefflera actinophylla

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Size: Small Size Chart
Pot: Eco Planter
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  • Pet Hazard:Toxic To Touch

  • Care Level:I'm Easy

Australian Umbrella Tree (Heptapleurum actinophyllum aka Schefflera) is an easy plant to grow and just requires bright, indirect light. Keep your digital thermometer nearby and only water when he's nearly dry. Umbrella trees can live to almost 25 years and get up to 10 feet tall indoors. Enjoy the bushy tendency and width he requires as he grows, and give him a wide berth. His finger-like leaves appear like an open umbrella, hence the name. We imagine this was Mary Poppin's favorite plant since it kept her in check and guided her!
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Australian Umbrella Tree
Australian Umbrella Tree
About Australian Umbrella Tree

This bushy plant will eventually grow up to ten feet tall in optimum conditions indoors. His protective powers with finger-like leaves deflect negativity and increase wealth!
A bright, indirect light will keep the leaves healthy and green, then let the soil dry out between waterings.

Care Level: I'm Easy

Easy for beginners

Pet Friendly: No

Toxic to pets if ingested.

Origins: Northern and North-Eastern Queensland coasts, Northern Territory of Australia, New Guinea, and Java.

Northern and North-Eastern Queensland coasts, Northern Territory of Australia, New Guinea, and Java.

Fun Facts: In its native env...

In its native environment, this plant will grow up to 49 feet and stays upright with the help of its neighboring rainforest trees.

The spiked flowers of this tree can extend two feet and encompass small red inflorescences flowers bloom on the treetop.

Heptapleurum actinophyllum aka Schefflera actinophylla Care Guide

Australian Umbrella Tree

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