How And When to Repot a Money Tree: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

Repotting a money tree may seem challenging for those new to gardening, but it's just the opposite of this! It's a simple task.
Whether your plant has outgrown its current planter or needs fresh and nutrient-rich soil, repotting it to another pot not only promotes vigorous root growth but also sustains overall health of this Central and South America-borne tropical wetland tree.
But how to repot a money tree? When is the ideal time to do it?
Continue reading as we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of money tree repotting, with valuable insights to make the transition smooth and beneficial for your green companion.
When to Repot a Money Tree?

A money tree must be repotted in spring or early summer.
This is when most plants wake up from their inactive or dormant stage. Thus, repotting your plant at this time of the year will encourage its growth by giving it access to fresh nutrients and more space in the pot.
How Big Should a Money Tree Be to Repot?
There's no hard-and-fast rule about how big a money tree should be for repotting.
If your plant has started to outgrow its existing container with the roots popping out, it's the first sign that it needs to be repotted soon.
In addition, you can also watch for other visible signs to know whether it's the ideal time to transplant your money tree, as discussed below.
How Do I Know When to Repot My Money Tree?
Keep an eye on these cues to determine if your money tree needs repotting:
Repotting a Money Tree: What Supplies Do You Need?
You'll need the following tools and materials to repot your money tree:
- New planter (with enough drainage holes)
- Pebbles, clay pellets, or gravel
- Fresh potting mix
- Gardening gloves
- Shears
- Canvas tarp or newspaper
- Watering can
- Spray bottle
- Fertilizer (optional)
Do Money Trees Like Big or Small Pots?
Which pot size is best for your money tree depends on its needs.
While a bigger pot will mean more room for the roots to grow and less likelihood of the plant struggling to thrive, it also has its own disadvantages. It'll retain far more moisture than your money tree's roots can absorb, leading to root rot or pest infestations.
Conversely, while a smaller pot will reduce the odds of excess moisture retention, this will be at the cost of restricted space for your plant to grow.
Considering this, choosing the right pot size that's not both too big and too small is advisable.
Pro tip: The general rule is to choose a 1" to 2" bigger planter than the current one to give sufficient room for your plant to develop.
How to Repot a Money Tree: Step-by-Step

Follow these simple steps to repot your money Tree after gathering the supplies mentioned above:
Initial Preparation
Water your money tree generously a night before you plan to repot it. This will loosen up the soil, making it easier to remove the plant from its pot without damage.
Remove Your Money Tree From Its Existing Pot
Spread the canvas tarp or newspaper on the ground and put on your gardening gloves. You can also use a big tub instead.
Grasp the base of your money tree using one hand, close to the soil level. Hold the pot with your other hand and turn it upside down to let the plant slide out.
Run a knife or a trowel along the pot's rim if it doesn't budge.
Note: Don't use force to pull the plant from its pot. If it has grown too tall, lightly dig out the soil until the money tree loosens from its base.
Clean the Root Ball
Examine your money tree's roots for issues like root rot and cut them off using shears. If the roots seem tangled, untangle them with your fingers, but gently.
Note: Shake the old soil from the root ball, which may contain pests.
Prepare the New Pot
Pick the new pot and add a layer of porous materials, like pebbles, clay pellets, or gravel, to its base. This will prevent the soil from flushing out during watering.
Don't block the drainage holes, though.
Next, add enough fresh potting mix above this layer, filling about the bottom inch of the planter. Gently press the soil to fill the gaps, if any.
Transplant Your Money Tree in the New Pot
Place your money tree at the center of the pot. Hold the plant straight with one hand and add the remaining soil to fill the space with the other hand.
Gently tap the soil to flatten it from the top, leaving about an inch of space for watering. Your repotted money tree is now ready!
Water Your Money Tree
Water your money tree with the watering can and moisten its beautiful leaves using the spray bottle, as and when required.
What Is the Best Soil for Repotting a Money Tree?
A well-draining soil is the best for money tree repotting. A peat moss-based mixture is also worth using.
Pro tip: If the soil requires more drainage, amend your mixture with perlite.
How Deep to Plant a Money Tree?
Like most potted plants, a money tree doesn't have a large root system. Hence, it's OK to plant to a depth covering the root ball.
What to Do After Repotting a Money Tree: Care Tips
Take care of your newly repotted money tree with these quick tips:
- Place the money tree back to its original location.
- Meet your money tree's light needs by providing it with a daily source of bright, indirect light.
- Let the roots dry out before watering your plant again.
- Because this indoor tree loves moisture in the air, consider lightly misting its leaves with a spray bottle to increase the humidity in the room.
Last but not least, keep your money tree happy by maintaining the indoor temperature in the 60°F to 75°F (or 20°C to 24°C) range.
Signs of Money Tree Transplant Shock

The most common signs of a money tree transplant shock include drooping and yellowing leaves, stunted plant growth, excessive loss of leaves, wilting, and soil pulling away from the pot.
Why Is My Money Tree Losing Leaves After Repotting?
If your money tree loses its leaves after repotting, it must be experiencing transplant shock. Repotting disturbs the plant's root system, impacting its ability to absorb water and nutrients, leading to leaf drop.
Thus, let your money tree get adjusted to its new planter for at least 3-4 weeks, and the problem should resolve.
If transplant shock is not the cause, there can be other reasons, such as:
- Improper watering schedule
- Soggy roots
- Issues in the potting mix
- Insufficient light
- Temperature fluctuations
So, make sure you apply proper money tree care practices to ensure a healthy and vibrant plant.
Why Are My Money Tree Leaves Turning Yellow After Repotting?
Again, transplant shock is the main reason behind your money tree's leaves turning yellow after repotting. Along with it, damaged roots, too much or little sunlight, underwatering, lack of moisture, and nutrient deficiency also play their role and cause yellow leaves on your money tree.
How to Repot a Money Tree: FAQs
Q: Why is my money tree dying after repotting?
A: Your money tree may start dying after repotting, due to transplant shock or for the following reasons:
- Poor humidity levels
- Exposure to direct sunlight
- Lack of essential nutrients in the potting mix
- Poor soil drainage
- Overwatering/soggy roots
Q: How often do you change the soil on a money tree?
A: It's not required to change your money tree's soil too often. Swapping the old soil with a new potting mix while repotting it is good enough for this easy-care plant to thrive.
Q: How often can you repot a money tree?
A: A money tree can be repotted once every 2 to 3 years to encourage growth. You can also watch for signs, such as roots peeking out, slow growth, root rot, pest infestations, or watering issues to know if it needs early transplanting.
Q: How do you cut and repot a money tree?
A: To propagate your money tree from cutting, you need to decide on what medium to use to grow new roots from the freshly cut leaf or stem. Both soil and water can be utilized to propagate your money tree. Note that young plants will develop roots quicker in water. Once the roots grow strong in about 3-4 weeks, transplant the baby money tree gently into a small-sized pot. Repot it as soon as it outgrows its planter.
Q: Do money trees like to be root-bound?
A: No, money trees don't like to be root-bound. This not only leaves very little room for the roots to grow but also restricts them from adequately taking in nutrients and water from the soil.
Repotting your money tree is vital to ensure it stays healthy and vibrant throughout its growing season. With the help of this guide, you've now learned the whole process of transplanting a money tree correctly once it outgrows its pot. Don't forget to watch out for other signs that call for action to repot your money tree, such as growth issues, pest problems or disease.
And to further jazz up your indoor garden and add a tropical feel, you can pair your money tree with companion plants like the pineapple plant and flamingo flower.