When And How Often to Water a Money Tree: Everything You Need to Know

Money Trees, or Pachira Aquatica, are native to Central America, flourishing in locations with high humidity. If you’re growing one indoors, you need to provide a similar environment if you want it to flourish.
Plant enthusiasts are attracted to this plant thanks to its attractive braided stem, glossy green leaves, and reputation for bringing good luck to the home according to Feng Shui principles.
Ideally, you need to water your money tree occasionally and deeply as this is the best way to mimic the natural rainfall that’s found in tropical regions where it grows naturally. The most important thing to remember is that the tree’s soil should be relatively dry before you water it.
If you’re not sure how to often to water your money tree, this beginner-friendly plant guide will help you keep it alive and well-rested.
How to Water a Money Tree

In this section, we’ll delve into the intricacies of watering your money tree for optimal growth and vitality. From understanding the plant’s watering needs to recognizing the signs of over and underwatering, we’ll help you discover the essential watering techniques that will ensure you master your money tree care skills.
Over-the-Soil Watering
- Prepare the water: Use room temperature water, allowing any chlorine to dissipate for a day.
- Assess soil moisture: Check the top 2-4 inches of the soil and if it feels dry, it’s time to water.
- Positioning: Place the money tree in a sink or basin to catch excess water.
- Watering technique: Pour water evenly over the soil until it starts draining from the bottom.
- Drain excess water: Allow the excess water to drain completely.
- Frequency: Repeat when the top inch of soil feels dry again, typically every few weeks.
Remember, that consistency is key to maintaining a healthy moisture balance for your money tree.
Bottom Watering Your Money Tree
Bottom watering encourages thorough hydration without the risk of overwatering, promoting a healthy and balanced moisture level for your money tree. The process is as follows:
- Select a saucer: Choose a saucer that comfortably fits the money tree’s pot.
- Place the money tree in the saucer: Set the money tree’s pot into the saucer.
- Add water to the saucer: Pour room-temperature water into the saucer, enough to cover the bottom.
- Allow absorption: Let the plant soak up water through the drainage holes for around 30 minutes.
- Remove excess water: Discard any remaining water in the saucer after absorption.
- Frequency: Repeat the bottom-watering method when the top 2-4 inches of soil feel dry, typically every few weeks.
How to Water a Money Tree With Ice Cubes
To water a money tree with ice cubes, you should use 2 ice cubes once a week for a 5-inch money tree. Never place ice cubes on any part of the plant as it is sensitive to chilling injury. You can also use ice cubes in between waterings if you want to raise the humidity around the plant.
Money Tree Watering: Best Practices

In this next section, discover the tried-and-true techniques that ensure the perfect watering regime for your money tree. From understanding its moisture needs to implementing a watering schedule, explore the best watering practices that will transform your care routine and help you enjoy the lush greenery of your money tree.
Signs That Your Money Tree Needs Watering
You may notice some obvious visual signs that your money tree needs watering. For example, if the stems or leaves are drooping, it is probably rather thirsty. However, even if the plant is drooping, it’s always best to check the soil.
You can check the soil with a moisture meter or your finger. If the top 2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch, it’s time to water your money tree.
Money Tree Watering Schedule: How Often Should I Water My Money Tree?
The water requirements of your money tree will vary depending on factors, such as the weather, light, and humidity of the space where you keep it. However, a general rule of thumb is to water the money tree once every one to two weeks.
Before watering a money tree, always check the soil and then water thoroughly if the soil feels dry.
How Much Water Should I Give My Money Tree?
There are no hard and fast rules for how much water a money tree needs because all plants are different. Some are larger than others while some are planted in smaller pots. Another variable is the humidity in the room where the plant is located.
The time of year also makes a difference in how much water you give your money tree. Your money tree grows most during spring and summer and will usually need more water then. During the colder months of the year, your money tree goes dormant and needs a lot less water.
Ideally, you should water a money tree thoroughly, until around 20% of the water runs out of the drainage holes. By doing this, you’re ensuring the water reaches the root system.
Should You Spray Water on Money Tree Leaves?
Yes, you can spray water on money tree leaves. It’s a relatively easy way to increase humidity for the plant. Misting can also help clean the leaves of your money tree as you can wipe them clean with a cloth after you mist them. When your money tree has clean leaves it helps the plant to photosynthesize efficiently.
To emulate the effect of morning dew on the leaves of your plant, fill a clean spray bottle with distilled water or rainwater, and gently spray your tree. However, take care not to soak it.
If you want, you can add neem oil to the water and spray the solution on the plant. This will help prevent pests without harming your plant.
Watering Your Money Tree: Special Considerations

In this next section, we’ll reveal some specific considerations for watering that go beyond the basics. From seasonal adjustments to understanding your plant's unique needs, the following insights will ensure your money tree thrives for many years to come.
- Light exposure: Money trees can grow in a variety of light conditions, even in low light, but thrive best in bright, indirect light. An excellent spot would be around three feet away from a south-facing window. Take care that it’s not in harsh, direct light as this will scorch the leaves and damage the plant.
- Money tree watering and sun: The location of your money tree will be one of the determining factors in how much water it needs. If your plant receives too much direct sun, it’ll use more water and you’ll need to water it more frequently.
- Size of plant and pot: The size of the pot and the plant impact how frequently you need to water. If the pot is too small you’ll need to water more frequently. If the pot is too large, concentrate the watering around the central stem, keeping a dry boundary at the outer edges. If the plant is in a perfect-sized pot, you can saturate the soil fully.
- Climate (temperature and humidity): The ideal temperature for your money tree is between 65 and 75ºF (18 to 24ºC) and humidity levels of at least 50%. Your plant will require more frequent watering in higher temperatures or if the humidity levels are lower.
- Soil: Money trees prefer a well-draining potting mix that allows the water to pass through quickly and prevents root rot. A sandy-peat-based soil is the best choice.
- Watering a money tree after repotting: You should water your plant 3-4 days before your designated repotting day as this helps facilitate the process. Once it is repotted, you should give it a healthy drink, watering it until water begins to exit from the drainage holes.
How Often to Water a Money Tree in Winter
During winter months your plant will be dormant and require less water. Their growth slows down, water takes longer to evaporate, and the plant absorbs less water, so if you don’t reduce the watering it will be overwatered.
Money Tree Watering Problems and Solutions

Unfortunately, even with the best care, your money tree may suffer from some common issues. Let's find out which of those are related to poor watering practices.
How Do You Know If a Money Tree Is Overwatered?
There are numerous signs to look for if you’re concerned your money tree is being overwatered. They include:
- Brown leaf tips
- Wilting and yellowing leaves
- Brown spots or edges on the leaves
- White powdery mold growth on the stem
- Loss of dark green pigment
- Dark and mushy roots
- Leaves falling off
- Drooping, limp, and falling leaves
- Root rot and a bad smell coming from the roots
If you recognize that you’re overwatering your plant, several solutions will remedy the situation as long as you get there in time.
The best solution is to repot the plant with fresh soil and treat any root rot with a fungicide. The potting soil should have good drainage and aeration and you should allow the top few inches of the potting soil to dry between waterings.
Also, consider pruning the tree, removing any dead, damaged, or diseased leaves, as well as any leaves that are growing in a downward direction.
What Does Underwatering a Money Tree Look Like?
Signs of an underwatered money tree include:
- Dry soil
- Wilting leaves
- Brown and crispy leaf edges
- Curled leaves
If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action to revive your money tree. You should start by watering it thoroughly and ensuring that the soil is moist but not waterlogged.
If the plant is severely dehydrated, you may need to take additional steps to revive it, such as pruning away dead or damaged leaves and repotting it in fresh soil.
Watering a Money Tree Plant: FAQs
Q: Do money trees like to be misted?
A: Yes, money trees do like to be misted because they are native to tropical rainforests, where they thrive in high-humidity conditions.
Q: Should I bottom water my money tree?
A: Bottom watering is a great way to ensure that your plant is receiving enough moisture without risking overwatering or root rot. However, you should never leave your money tree in standing water for too long.
Q: Do money trees like to dry out?
A: Unlike some indoor plants, money trees don’t like to dry out completely but you should allow the top couple of inches of soil to dry before watering it.
Q: Should I shower my money tree?
A: Yes, you can occasionally shower your money tree. You should run the shower at a mild temperature and on the gentlest setting. Ideally, it should simulate light rain. Once the water is running and at the right temperature, put the money tree underneath the water for a few minutes. Be sure to let it drain before returning it to a saucer as money trees hate standing water.
Balance is key when it comes to watering your money tree, which is an easy plant to care for. Only water when the top inch of soil is dry, and avoid overwatering. Tailor the frequency of the watering to environmental conditions, favoring consistency. Be flexible in response to seasonal shifts and ensure thorough hydration, whether you choose the over-the-soil or bottom-watering method. Leverage sunlight wisely, understanding its role in moisture regulation.
Lastly, listen to your money tree's subtle cues, its leaves speak volumes of its hydration needs. If you're smart with your money tree watering schedule, you’ll cultivate a flourishing money tree.