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Calathea Zebrina

Calathea Zebrina

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Size: Small Size Chart
Pot: Eco Planter
Eco Pot

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  • Pet Safe:Yes

  • Care Level:Plays Hard to Get

Enjoy both sides of the Zebra Plant (Calathea Zebrina). By day, the zebra-like stripes are dark green highlighted by showy, broad, parallel chartreuse stripes and extend along the mid-vein to the leaf margins. The undersides are reddish-purple. Their name comes from the flowers they display of white to purple blooms.

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Calathea Zebrina
Calathea Zebrina
About Calathea Zebrina

You'll see a lot of movement from the Zebra Plant as their leaves rise and lower by the time of day it is. When it is nightfall, the leaves raise as if trying to reach the sky, giving you a peek at their purple underside. During the day, they relax and display their unusual striping. Another common name for this plant is the Prayer Plant, which signifies praying hands at night! Overall, the plant is a symbol of devotion and focus on a schedule. Keep one around to inspire dedication!

Care Level: Plays Hard to Get

Pretty easy going

Pet Friendly: Yes

Safe for humans, pets, cats and dogs.

Origins: Native to the tropical forests of Brazil, found growing under the shade canopies of the tall, tropical trees.

Native to the tropical forests of Brazil, found growing under the shade canopies of the tall, tropical trees.

Fun Facts: Commonly known as...

Commonly known as a Prayer Plant, Calathea closes their leaves at night and opens them during the day.

Calathea Zebrina Care Guide

Calathea Zebrina

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