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Upright Jurassic Elephant Ear Giant Premium Caladium Bulbs

Alocasia macrorrhizos

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  • certified-quality
  • grade-a
  • virus-free
  • Pet Warning:Toxic To Ingest

  • Care Level:I'm Easy

Alocasia macrorrhizos, commonly called Upright Elephant Ear, is a lush, tropical perennial prized for their giant ornamentally decorative leaves resembling an elephant's ears. Their skyward reaching leaves distinguish them from the colocasia, which droop downward. Their thick, heart-shaped leaves and green, wavy edges grow 3-6 feet long and up to 4 feet wide on rigid stalks. They can reach 6-15 feet in height in premium growing conditions.

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Upright Jurassic Elephant Ear Giant Premium Caladium Bulbs
Upright Jurassic Elephant Ear Giant Premium Caladium Bulbs
About Upright Jurassic Elephant Ear Giant Premium Caladium Bulbs

Need some lushness next to a spa, pool, or water garden? Need some visual interest on a blank wall or the wow factor at your front door? How about a screen from unwanted views? This Upright Elephant Ear (Alocasia) checks all the boxes!

Garden designers use these upright foliage plants as centerpieces and showstoppers in mixed containers filled with flowering annuals.

Care Level: I'm Easy

Pet Friendly: Warning

Not safe for pets.

Upright Jurassic Elephant Ear Giant Premium Caladium Bulbs

Great For Spaces That…

  • Great for spaces with partial shade patios
  • Great for spaces with higher ceilings
  • Great for space with a range of low to high indirect light
  • Great for space with room for a grouping of plants
  • Great for spaces with medium indirect light

Alocasia macrorrhizos Care Guide

  • Medium

    Place these plants in a sunny place in the garden for 6-8 hours. If you're in a hotter planting zone, provide afternoon shade from the hottest time of the day.

  • High

    Provide consistent moisture to the planting bed or container. Add 2-3 inches of water each week in well draining soil.

  • High

    The elephant ear enjoys and thrives in medium to high humidity.

  • 60 to 85

    Average comfortable room temperatures will be sufficient. Bring indoors when nights are under 60°F.

  • 9|10|11

    Plant the rhizomes and leave over the winter months if you're in zones 9-11. If you're using it as an annual in zones 3-8, then lift them in the fall and overwinter. Plant in early spring after the last frost has passed. See our zone planting chart for details.

  • Monthly

    Create a rich soil environment when planting initially. Add organic composted materials as well as manure mixed into the soil. Use a nitrogen-rich liquid fertilizer every two to three weeks. Mix with water and apply to the soil's surface around the plant. Continue to apply each month until six weeks before the first frost in the fall.

  • Yearly

    Plant in the garden at a depth of 5-6 inches deep and 2-6 feet apart after the spring's last frost. Add amendments to clay soils in the garden to aerate the soil and allow for good drainage. Place the tubers so the pointy side is facing upward. Add compost or soil conditioners and mix in with the native soil. Depending on the earth's warmth, it usually takes three to eight weeks for sprouts to appear. To speed up the process, start them in containers inside the house and then move them outside into the garden when foliage emerges, being careful not to shock it. Start watering more consistently when foliage emerges.

    If growing in a planter container, use a well-draining potting soil with perlite to aerate the soil.

    Cut the leaves back and dig up in the fall before temperatures drop below 40°F. If you are in a cooler zone (3-8), remove the tubers from the soil with an inch of stem attached. Knock off all the soil and lay them on newspaper in a dry place for a week. Do not wet or wash the tubers. Sprinkle them with powdered sulfur to protect against fungi while they're in dormancy. Lay on a single layer screen or in a mesh bag so air can circulate around them. Store the tubers at 50°F-60°F.

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  • Monthly

    To keep the Elephant Ear Upright looking its best:

    Prune any dead or damaged leaves to rejuvenate them.

    Use sterilized pruners to trim back down to the base of the stem.

    Use a hose with a shower nozzle to wash off the plant leaves each month if it is in a covered area where rain will not reach it.

  • Division

    Divide the tubers in the fall. Remove the soil from the root system.

    Choose blemish free tubers and discard any rotten segments. Separate each tuber (a type of root system), ensuring there are eyes or buds evident on each division. This is where new foliage will emerge. Cutaway these new tubers from the parent plant's roots with a sterilized sharp knife.

    When replanting, set the tuber pointy side facing upward. Cover with rich, well-draining soil (add amendments to heavy soil in the garden). Wait until the plant is producing new green leaves before starting to fertilize.

Upright Jurassic Elephant Ear Giant Premium Caladium Bulbs

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