• tropical madeira premium canna lily bulbs, lively root, bulb, , , ,
  • tropical madeira premium canna lily bulbs, lively root, bulb, , , ,
  • tropical madeira premium canna lily bulbs, lively root, bulb, , , ,
  • tropical madeira premium canna lily bulbs, lively root, bulb, , , ,
  • tropical madeira premium canna lily bulbs, lively root, bulb, , , ,

Tropical Madeira Premium Canna Lily Bulbs

Canna indica

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  • certified-quality
  • grade-a
  • virus-free
  • Pet Safe:Yes

  • Care Level:I'm Easy

Madeira has an adorable flower. They are bright red but edged with yellow, giving them a delightfully delicate, almost frilly appearance. The flowers are held high above the long narrow leaves. A lovely variety and long flowering. Canna 'Madeira' will reach 4-5 ft when fully mature.

Canna lilies (Canna indica) are tropical and subtropical herbaceous perennials that produce lush, colorful flower spikes during summer. Their large and showy paddle-shaped leaves add to their exotic look.

When Should I Plant My Bulbs?

What Size Bulb Should I Purchase?

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Tropical Madeira Premium Canna Lily Bulbs
Tropical Madeira Premium Canna Lily Bulbs
About Tropical Madeira Premium Canna Lily Bulbs

Canna gained popularity during the Victorian era between 1860-1910, when European gardeners created more formal gardens. At the beginning of the 20th century, gardens transformed into more informal and relaxed perennial borders, and the Canna decreased in their popularity. However, modern breeders are releasing hundreds of cultivars, hence why the comeback is so strong!

Care Level: I'm Easy

Pet Friendly: Yes

Safe for Pets!

Tropical Madeira Premium Canna Lily Bulbs

Great For Spaces That…

  • Great for spaces with partial shade patios
  • Great for spaces with higher ceilings
  • Great for space with a range of low to high indirect light
  • Great for space with room for a grouping of plants
  • Great for spaces with medium indirect light

Canna indica Care Guide

  • Medium

    Cannas need full sun. In deep southern states and the desert Southwest, where the heat and sun are intense, partial shade is best to avoid foliar and floral damage.

  • Medium

    To keep Cannas looking their best, provide at least 2 inches of water per week. Use a moisture meter to check the soil for its requirements.

  • High

    The canna lily enjoys and thrives in average to high humidity.

  • 40 to 90

    Canna can survive in temperatures down to 0°F without dying but temperatures below 32°F can damage the foliage or flower.

  • 7|8|9|10

    Plant the rhizomes and leave over the winter months if you're in zones 7b-10. If you're using it as an annual in zones 3-6, then lift them in the fall and overwinter. Plant in early spring after the last frost has passed. See our zone planting chart for details.

  • Monthly

    Create a rich soil environment when planting initially. Add organic composted materials as well as manure mixed into the soil. Use a 10-10-10 fertilizer. Apply in early spring by scratching the soil's surface around each plant and mixing the fertilizer into it. Continue to apply each month until six weeks before the first frost in the fall. Water in the fertilizer with a nozzle set to the light shower setting to decrease wash away.

    To perpetuate reblooming, deadhead (remove the spent flower) the bloom after it dies back.

  • Yearly

    Cut the leaves back after the first frost when the foliage turns yellow. If you are in a cooler zone (3-7), remove the rhizomes from the soil with an inch of stem attached. Knock off all the soil and lay them on newspaper in a dry place for a week. Do not wet or wash the rhizomes. Sprinkle them with powdered sulfur to protect against fungi while they're in dormancy. Lay on a single layer screen or in a mesh bag so air can circulate around them. Store the rhizomes at 50°F-60°F.

    Plant in the garden at a depth of 2 to 4 inches deep and 2-3 feet apart after the spring's last frost. Place your rhizomes in a horizontal position, so the eyes are facing upward. Add compost or soil conditioners and mix in with the native soil. Depending on the warmth of the earth, it usually takes three weeks for sprouts to appear. Start watering more consistently when foliage emerges.

    If growing in a planter container, use a well-draining potting soil with perlite to aerate the soil. Add amendments to clay soils in the garden to aerate the soil and allow for good drainage.

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  • After bloom begins to die

    To keep the canna lily looking its best, prune any dead, damaged, or diseased leaves and old flower stalks to rejuvenate it. Use sterilized pruners to trim back down to the base of the stem.

  • Division

    Divide the rhizomes in the spring after the last frost in your planting zone. Plant each rhizome (a type of root system) at least three eyes or buds 3-4 inches deep and 2-3 feet apart. Set the eyes facing upward. Cover with rich, well-draining soil (add amendments to heavy soil in the garden). Wait until the plant is producing new green leaves before starting to fertilize.

Tropical Madeira Premium Canna Lily Bulbs

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