In early spring, take a pilea cutting, use a sharp knife to cut off pinkish red baby offshoots from the main stem. Remove at least an inch of stalk under the soil leading to the main stem. Be careful not to catch the knife of the healthy leaves on the mother plant.
If there is no root ball, remove all the soil and place in a vase with water to root. Change the water each week with filtered, bottled or tap water that has been sitting at least 24 hours.
If there is a root ball, then separate the mother plant from the babies and pot up. Follow the instructions below.*
After 3-4 weeks, check to make sure the stem has well formed roots. If so, it's time to plant.
*Fill a small container with drainage holes (too large of a container for the cutting will make it difficult to regulate watering needs) using indoor well-draining potting mix such as cacti and succulent mix.
Mix a little rooting hormone into the soil. Poke a hole in the soil with a pencil. Then, place the cutting in the hole and tamp the soil down around it.
Water the plant and keep them in medium to bright indirect sunlight. After 4-6 weeks, the roots should be established.