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Mother's Day Purple Flamingo Flower

Anthurium andraeanum

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Size: Small Size Chart
Pot: Eco Planter
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Purple Flamingo Flower (Anthurium andraeanum) is an epiphyte that grows on rock, bark, fiber, and soil mixtures in tropical locations. The big polished dark green leaves are a backdrop to the elegant waxy, heart-shaped spathe that holds the yellow finger-like spadix. This display lasts several weeks like Greek gods sitting in a garden for all to behold. They typically enjoy high humidity, bright indirect light, and constant moisture for long-lasting blooms. They grow up to 3 feet tall and wide. 
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Mother's Day Purple Flamingo Flower
Mother's Day Purple Flamingo Flower
About Mother's Day Purple Flamingo Flower

Anthuriums are popular to give as hostess gifts because of the heart-shaped leaf. The often mistaken flower that is actually a leaf is long-lasting and provides an abundance of joy, which could symbolize the host you're gifting.

Care Level:

Easy for beginners.

Origins: Native to a quite small area of tropical rainforest, these beautiful flowers are found between southwest Colombia and Ecuador.

Native to a quite small area of tropical rainforest, these beautiful flowers are found between southwest Colombia and Ecuador.

Fun Facts: Each plant lives ...

Each plant lives up to 10 years, but if continually propagated, it can live for decades. The Anthurium "flowers" are actually just transformed leaves called a spathe.

Anthurium andraeanum Care Guide

Mother's Day Purple Flamingo Flower

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