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  • Blazing Star Featured Image
  • Blazing Star Featured Image

Blazing Star

Liatris spicata 'Kobold Original'

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Size: Small Size Chart
Pot: Eco Planter
Eco Pot

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  • Pet Safe:Yes

  • Care Level:I'm Easy

Blazing Star (Liatris spicata 'Kobold Original') is a native to North America. His grassy foliage can be mistaken as a weed before blooms start, so don't be fooled. We suspect he has magical powers and flew down from the heavens (once a comet), landed in a field, and disseminated into these sparkler topped bloomers in rosy-purple to reflect the mid-night skies. Pollinators will agree that he is a beacon to his sweet nectar in the garden! Expect him to reach 1.5 feet tall and 1 foot wide.
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Blazing Star
Blazing Star
About Blazing Star

A native perennial garden favorite whose common name, Blazing Star, rightly suits him as a shooting star in the romantic cottage garden! No harsh insects or disease issues inflict him, and he's a favorite for fresh bouquets and flower arrangements. Give him sun and water his roots, and he'll bloom these unique torch-like deep purple blooms in mid to late summer.

Care Level: I'm Easy

Easy for beginners

Pet Friendly: Yes

Safe for pets

Origins: North America

North America

Fun Facts: Liatris foliage c...

Liatris foliage can emerge in the spring looking like grass and be easily pulled by unsuspecting gardeners. Mark your plants, so they're not accidentally mistaken for a weed!

Liatris spicata 'Kobold Original' Care Guide

Blazing Star

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