• Be My Sunshine Calla Lily in medium varies grower planter

Be My Sunshine Calla Lily

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Size: Small Size Chart
Pot: Eco Planter

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  • Pet Warning:Toxic To Ingest

  • Care Level:Plays Hard to Get

The "Be My Sunshine" Calla Lily was developed by Proven Winners to add rays of lush and copious beauty to any space. These bright and beaming Yellow Calla Lilies are generous in their blooms and will make any space feel like your favorite summer day. The lovely Calla foliage combined with this bright, bouncy shade of yellow will be your favorite flower this year.

The Calla Lily plant (Zantedeschia Aethiopica) is a trumpet-shaped waxy flower with tall, thick stems. Their yellow spadix is centered inside. Long, pointed green leaves with streaks of white or yellowing spots decorate the leaf's surface. These long-lasting flowers are a symbol of purity and beauty.

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Be My Sunshine Calla Lily, Lively Root, Plant, , , ,
Be My Sunshine Calla Lily, Lively Root, Plant, , , ,
About Be My Sunshine Calla Lily

The "Be My Sunshine" Calla Lily was developed by Proven Winners to add rays of lush and copious beauty to any space. These bright and beaming Yellow Calla Lilies are generous in their blooms and will make any space feel like your favorite summer day. The lovely Calla foliage combined with this bright, bouncy shade of yellow will be your favorite flower this year.

The Calla Lily plant (Zantedeschia Aethiopica) is a trumpet-shaped waxy flower with tall, thick stems. Their yellow spadix is centered inside. Long, pointed green leaves with streaks of white or yellowing spots decorate the leaf's surface. These long-lasting flowers are a symbol of purity and beauty.

Care Level: Plays Hard to Get

Pet Friendly: Warning

Toxic to pets if ingested.

Be My Sunshine Calla Lily Care Guide

Be My Sunshine Calla Lily

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