Kangaroo Paw Care Guide

Light : High
Full sun (6-8 hours)
Water : Medium
We recommend regular irrigation for several months to get these plants established. In hotter, drier regions, supplemental irrigation is good to keep them attractive in the garden.
Humidity : Low
High humidity levels will promote fungal diseases and can reduce the life of Kangaroo Paws.
Temp : 65℉ - 100℉
Use as a perennial in plant zones 10-11 and annuals in all other zones.
Zone : 10|11
Use as an annual in plant zones lower than 10.
Fertilizer : Yearly
Kangaroo Paw's don't need much fertilizer. Adding a cup or two of compost will benefit the roots. If you do fertilize, keep the Phosphorus (K) on the lower side.
Repotting : Yearly
Outdoors: After the last frost date in your planting zone, plant Kangaroo paw in the spring. Choose a full sun (6-8 hours) area. Too little sunlight can cause week stems and floppiness and inhibit flowering. Cultivate the native soil for good drainage with organic matter like compost, and sand with slightly acidic soil pH. Be generous by digging a hole twice the pot's width and 1 inch shorter than the grower pot to raise it above the soil level for good drainage. Use a pitchfork or a sharp object to stab the soil walls to make several indentions for the roots to take hold. Tickle the roots to loosen them if they wrap inside the container. Place the plant in the center of the hole. Fill the hole with water first, so the roots get another good drink. Next, backfill with native soil mixed with compost by one-third to one-half (if the native soil is clay). Add a rooting hormone fertilizer to this backfill mixture. Tamp the soil firmly down around the edges and mound up. Avoid covering the original soil level of the plant that was in the container. Add mulch as needed but not next to the stem or branches of the plant. Water lightly. Continue to observe the soil moisture each day, depending on the temperatures and soil drainage. The soil needs to remain moist but not soggy during the growing season and until they get established. Let them dry on the top few inches between waterings.
Cleaning : Bi-annually
As the plant leaves and bloom fade, prune the leaves and stems back to 2-3 inches to the ground. If done earlier in the season, it may promote new blooms. Cleaning and pruning can also prevent foliage disease and promote more growth.
Propagation : Division
To propagate the Kangaroo Paw in warmer planting zones 10-11, clean up the foliage and old stems cutting down to with in 2-3 inches of the ground. Next, dig up the plant's roots in the fall. Using a sterilized, sharp knife, cut through the root base in half or thirds with healthy established roots. Replant in different areas of your garden where they will receive full sun (6-8 hours). Add compost to the hole and follow the planting instructions on this page. Add rooting hormone into the hole and water the plant before covering up the roots. Division of perennials every three years is recommended to keep the plant healthy and flourishing with blooms.