Coleus Care Guide

The Giant Mosiac Coleus is a drama waiting to happen with his colossal leaves. The colors are vibrant enough to add pizazz to any shady garden where a limited plant palette grows.
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  • Light : Low

    Outdoors: Plant this annual in garden beds with shade (2-4 hours) and part shade in the early morning sun (4-6 hours) in planting zones 11+. Indoors: Bright, indirect light, or supplemental lighting will be needed to keep the colors vibrant. Leaves will drop if he isn't given enough light!

  • Water : Medium

    Keep your coleus consistently moist in well-drained soil throughout the growing season. Avoid getting water on the leaves and leaving spots.

  • Humidity : High

    Coleus like high humidity levels. Add a pebble tray and humidifier if grown indoors.

  • Temp : 70℉ - 100℉

    Keep this plant in warm temperatures and don't expose it to temperatures below 50°F.

  • Zone : 11|12

    Outdoors: Keep this plant in a pot or garden bed. Use as an annual in areas where temperatures drop below 45°F

  • Fertilizer : Monthly

    Apply a balanced fertilizer at half-strength in the spring and summer months during the growing season. No fertiizer is needed in fall and winter.

  • Repotting : Yearly

    When receiving your plant, repot him in the outside container or gardening beds in drifts for colorful embellishment. He'll also be volumptious in a hanging basket. Plant when temperatures reach above 45°F at night or when the soil is consistently at 70°F during daylight hours.

  • Cleaning : Monthly

    During the growing season, when flowers appear, prune them off to give more energy to the leaves of the plant.

  • Propagation : Cuttings

    In the spring or summer, prune 3-4 inch stem cuttings from the parent plant. Set the stems in a jar filled with filtered, tap, or rainwater and replace the water twice a week. After several weeks, you'll notice roots bursting through nodules on the bottom of the stem. Once there is a sufficient root system, dip the ends in root hormone (mixed in water at a paste consistency) and place in damp, well-draining, moist potting soil mix and tamp down around the stem securing it. Use a container that has drainage and is deep enough for the roots to grow. Place the stem at least 1-2 inches down into the soil. Set it in bright, indirect sunlight while they are rooting. Cover the cutting with a clear plastic bag to create adequate humidity levels. Check the moisture and humidity each day and add misting to keep the soil moist while the roots establish. After 6-8 weeks, roots will begin to establish. You can tug onto the stem to ensure the roots are secure. Transplant in a shady spot in the garden or in a porch container.