Pothos Propagation: Step-by-Step Guide to 5 Easy Methods

By: Matt Slaymaker
June 29, 2024
How to Propagate Pothos Plants
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Pothos is a popular indoor plant because, preferred by indoor gardeners for its beauty and air-purifying qualities. You can expand your plant collection by multiplying this lucky plant if you know how to propagate Pothos.

There are five ways of Pothos propagation. You can root stem cuttings of this tropical plant in water, soil, sphagnum moss, or propagate it by division, and layering. To do the task successfully, however, you should know details, like how to cut Pothos to propagate, when to propagate it, etc. 

But what is the best way to propagate Pothos? Or how long does it take for the roots to develop?

 Keep reading to find out!

All About Pothos 

About Pothos

The Pothos plant (Epipremnum aureum) is a tropical vining plant, native to South Pacific islands. It's easy to identify it by its heart-shaped, waxy leaves, which resemble philodendrons’ foliage.

There are many pothos varieties, such as the famous Golden Pothos, boasting vibrant green leaves with golden-yellow variegation, or the stunning variegated Jade And Pearls Pothos with grey and white splashes.

Pothos plants are low-maintenance, making them ideal for beginners. They thrive in low-to-medium, indirect light, warm and humid conditions, and require watering once every 1-2 weeks.  

Pothos is considered a good luck charm in Feng Shui, bringing wealth and prosperity. According to a NASA study, it filters indoor air by removing toxins, making it a natural air purifier. Remember, however, that all Pothos varieties are toxic to cats and dogs. So, if you’re a pet owner, keep the plant out of reach from curious furry companions and small children.

Pothos Propagation: Tools and Supplies 

Before you venture into the different methods of Pothos plant propagation, it’s important to learn about the tools and materials required. 

Here’s everything you’ll need:

  • Pruning shears or scissors
  • Glass or plastic container/vase
  • Water
  • Frsh well-draining soil
  • Pot
  • Rooting hormone
  • Sphagnum moss

Sanitize your tools and pot with alcohol to remove pathogens that might infect the plant.

When to Propagate a Pothos Plant

The ideal time to propagate Pothos is spring when plants just start to wake up. Summer is also an appropriate time to multiply your Pothos plant. 

Avoid propagating during late fall and winter. This is when the plant enters dormancy, and its growth slows down, making propagation difficult.  

How to Propagate Pothos in 5 Proven Ways 

How to Propagate Pothos

Source: Moody Blooms

Once you have everything you need, you can propagate Pothos plants easily. Let’s explore each propagation technique in more detail. 

1. Pothos Water Propagation 

You can propagate Pothos in water by taking a healthy stem cutting 4”-6” long with 2-4 leaves. 

  • Find a node where the leaf meets the stem and make a cut at a 45-degree angle.
  • Remove the leaves a few inches above the cut.  
  • Place the cutting in a jar filled with water at room temperature. 
  • Ensure that the leaves are above the water surface.  
  • Place the jar in a bright spot with indirect light.
  • Change the water every few days. 
  • Within 3-6 weeks, you’ll notice new roots developing. 
  • Once the roots are 1"-2" long, plant the cutting in a container with potting soil.

Here’s a quick video that explains the process of Pothos water propagation.

2. How to Propagate Pothos in Soil

To propagate Pothos in soil, take a 4”-6” cutting with a few leaves. It should be cut above a node at 45 degrees, and the bottom leaves should be removed. 

  • Dip the cut end in a rooting hormone to speed up the rooting process. 
  • Fill a pot with soil, water it slightly, and make a hole in the middle using a pencil. 
  • Place the cutting in the hole and dab the soil around it to secure it.
  • In 4-6 weeks, the cutting will develop strong roots.
  • You can move the young plant to its permanent pot filled with potting soil, mixed with perlite. 

3. Propagating Pothos Plants in Sphagnum Moss

Many experienced plant lovers propagate their Pothos plants in sphagnum moss. For this method, you need a cutting with 3-4 nodes, with the bottom leaves removed. 

  • Soak dry sphagnum moss for 20-30 minutes by submerging it entirely in water.
  • Remove the moss from the water, wring it so it’s just slightly moist, and place it in a container.
  • Then, secure the cutting in the rooting medium. 
  • Put the cutting in a spot receiving bright but indirect sunlight
  • Keep the moss consistently moist. 
  • Within just a few weeks, the cutting will develop roots. 
  • Once the roots are 2”-3”, plant your new Pothos plant in a pot with well-draining soil. 

4. Pothos Propagation by Division

You can also propagate Pothos plants using the root division method when it’s time to repot a large plant into fresh soil. Follow the steps below:

  • Pull the parent plant out of the current pot. 
  • Using gentle finger movements, separate the stems by the roots. 
  • Repot the divisions in individual containers with well-draining potting soil.
  • Ensure the plants receive bright, filtered light and water them regularly about once a week or every 10 days.

5. Pothos Propagation: The Layering Method

Last but not least comes the layering methods to propagate Pothos plants. Below are the steps to complete the task:

  • Choose a long stem (offshoot) with aerial roots and bend it gently over another pot with moist soil. You can use the same pot if it’s big enough.
  • Cover the aerial roots gently with soil; secure the vines with a U-shaped pin while the stem remains attached to the plant. 
  • Water the soil regularly and within a few weeks, roots will start to develop. 
  • Once the vine resists when tugged, cut it close to the parent plant. 
  • If you do the layering in the same pot as the parent plant, just replant the new plant into a new pot. 

Aftercare Pothos Propagation Tips 

Aftercare Pothos Propagation Tips

After successful propagation, your baby Pothos plant will need a little time to adjust. Provide it with proper care to ensure that it’s healthy and happy.  

How Do You Take Care of a Baby Pothos?

A baby Pothos plant requires attention to its light, watering, and fertilizer needs. Here’s what you should do:

  • Keep the plant in medium-to-bright but indirect light, away from direct sunlight.
  • Always water your Pothos plant when the top layer of the soil starts getting dry.
  • Make sure the soil is consistently moist but not soggy.
  • Spritz the plant occasionally to maintain humidity. 
  • Wait for a month before fertilizing a new plant to prevent leaf issues with your Pothos, due to toxicity. Give it a balanced fertilizer every 2-3 months during growing seasons.

How to Propagate a Pothos Plant: FAQs 

Q: How long does it take for Pothos to root in water?

A: Once you place the Pothos cutting in water, it usually takes 3-6 weeks for new roots to develop. Don’t forget to change the water every week to prevent root rot. 

Q: Is it better to propagate Pothos plants in water or soil?

A: If you know how to propagate Pothos in water and soil properly, both methods can be successful. But propagating Pothos in soil produces plants with stronger roots. 

Q: Where do I cut a Pothos to propagate it?

A: To propagate a Pothos plant, cut it below a node, i.e., where a leaf meets the stem. This node is where the roots will develop. The cutting should be 4"-6" long and have a few leaves. 

Q: How do you speed up Pothos propagation?

A: Dip the Pothos cut end in rooting hormone before placing it in soil for speedy propagation. Furthermore, ensure that the stem cutting is strong and healthy, and provide it with the right care for best results.

Q: Why are my Pothos propagations dying?

A: Your Pothos propagations could be dying, due to overwatering/underwatering, light or temperature stress, or extreme conditions. Provide gentle care to the new plant to help it thrive.  


Once you learn how to propagate a Pothos plant, you can easily expand your collection. You can also grow it as a thoughtful gift for someone special. 

Pair Pothos plants with plants like the Peacock Plant and Flamingo Flower for a tropical green corner. Or consider the rare and stunning Prince of Orange Philodendron, which has similar growing requirements and will attract immediate visual interest.