Learn How to Propagate Philodendron with This Simple Guide

By: Matt Slaymaker
June 17, 2024
How to Propagate Philodendron
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Philodendrons are attractive and popular houseplants that are easy to grow and care for. They are also easy to propagate if you have a mature and healthy plant. With minimal effort and proper care, you can multiply your tropical plant varieties, using a stem cutting or dividing a large Philodendron plant.  

This guide explores the step-by-step process of how to propagate a Philodendron (both trailing and non-trailing varieties), using proven and simple methods. Once propagated, you can share the beauty of Philodendrons with your friends and family, or simply enjoy your extended lush and thriving Philo collection. 

About Philodendrons

About Philodendron Plants

Philodendrons are tropical plants with lush foliage and easy-care nature. They belong to the Araceae family and are native to the rainforests of Central and South America. One notable characteristic of Philodendrons is their versatility, as they boast different growth patterns and foliage colors. A Philodendron plant can become a great addition to any indoor setting, whether you prefer a cascading vine or a non-trailing variety.

Among the trailing types, Philodendron Vine (Lemon Lime) stands out with its hanging vines and bright, lime-green leaves. On the other hand, non-trailing, also known as self-heading, varieties like the Philodendron Birkin or the rare and exotic Philodendron 'Prince of Orange' captivate plant lovers with their glossy leaves, growing close to each other, and upright growth habit. 

Many cultivars of Philodendrons have striking variegated foliage with white, cream, and pink hues, worth replicating at home. Take the sought-after Philodendron Pink Princess or the rare and unique-looking White Princess Philodendron - both self-headers that make the perfect statement plant. Who wouldn’t want to multiply these beauties and try to grow new baby Philo Princesses from the mother plant?

Related: Pothos vs Philodendron: Key Differences and Similarities

Philodendron Propagation: Can You Grow Philodendron From Cuttings?

Philodendron Propagation From Cuttings

You can grow Philodendrons from cuttings, just make sure there's at least one healthy node on each stem cutting. While trailing Philodendrons, in particular, are commonly rooted in water before being transferred to soil, non-trailing ones can directly be planted in the soil. 

Besides stem cuttings, you can also use the division technique - an ideal way to propagate a large, healthy, non-trailing Philodendron, that has outgrown its pot. This involves splitting the plant into multiple sections during repotting and transplanting those into individual containers.

When to Propagate Philodendrons?

Early spring or summer is the best time to propagate Philodendrons. This is the active growing period for most houseplants. It’s marked by prolific new leaf growth and faster root development. Young Philo plants are more likely to produce healthy roots quickly and without much stress, irrespective of the rooting medium.  

You can also propagate your Philodendron plant after a seasonal pruning session, especially if it looks a bit leggy, and use the trimmed parts (the cuttings) for propagation.

Propagating a Philodendron: Tools and Materials 

Collect the following tools and materials for propagating a Philodendron:

  • Scissors (or pruning shears)
  • Water
  • Potting soil mix
  • Any old or new pot
  • Gloves
  • Rooting hormone (optional)
  • Glass jar

Sterilize your scissors or pruning shears to prevent the potential spread of disease-causing pathogens through cuts. Wipe your tools with ethanol or isopropyl alcohol to disinfect them after each use. 

How to Propagate Philodendron?

How to Propagate Philodendron

Depending on whether your Philodendron is a trailing or non-trailing one, refer to the following instructions to propagate it properly. 

How to Propagate Philodendron in Water?

Follow these steps to propagate a Philodendron in water: 

  • Cut a few 4 to 6-inch long stem cuttings from a healthy Philodendron plant, and pluck the leaves from their bottom section. Each cutting should have at least one node for propagation. 
  • Fill a glass jar with purified water. You can also use tap water, but leave it overnight for the chemicals to evaporate. 
  • Place the stem cuttings in this glass jar, submerging all the nodes into the water.  

Place the glass jar in a place with bright, indirect sunlight. Monitor your stem cuttings regularly and change the water if it appears cloudy from the top. The cuttings should start producing roots within a few weeks. Once the roots are at least an inch long, you can plant the cuttings in the soil.

Philodendron Propagation From Cuttings in Soil

Philodendron Propagation in Soil
Source: Harli G

Philodendron propagation from cuttings in soil involves the following steps:

  • Cut a few 4 to 6-inch-long stem cuttings from a healthy Philodendron plant, and pluck the leaves from their bottom section. Each cutting should have at least one node for propagation. 
  • Allow the bottom of the stem cuttings to dry over two to three days. Next, dip them in the rooting hormone (optional). 
  • Fill a pot with fresh potting soil mix and slightly moisten it. 
  • Plant each stem cutting in the soil and gently pat the soil around them. This will keep the cuttings secure in their place. 
  • Move the pot to a place with bright, indirect sunlight. Water the cuttings regularly, avoiding overwatering. 

Wait for a few weeks for the roots to shoot.

Can a Philodendron Be Divided?

Large, usually non-trailing, Philodendrons can be propagated by division, following these steps:

  • Water your Philodendron's soil a day before you plan to propagate it through division. This will soften the soil, making it easier to divide the plant. 
  • Gently pull the plant out from its pot, loosen and then, divide the roots so that each section of the plant has at least a couple of roots.
  • Transplant these sections of your Philodendron into separate pots with soil.
  • Water again, and put your young new plants in a location that receives bright, indirect sunlight. 

How to Look After Philodendron Post Propagation?

How to Look After Philodendron Post Propagation
Source: Reddit

Philodendrons demand extra care during and after propagation, and these expert tips should help you with that:

  • Sunlight: Bright, indirect sunlight is best for a Philodendron’s optimal growth. Any direct exposure to harmful sun rays can lead to leaf burn. 
  • Water: Being a perennial, Philodendrons don't like sitting in water. The best practice is to water them only when the top 2 inches of the soil feel dry to avoid common leaf issues with your Philo plant
  • Humidity: Mimic the ideal growing conditions by maintaining humidity around 50%-60%. Use a pebble tray or humidifier if needed.
  • Temperature: 60℉-75℉ is the ideal temperature range to keep your Philodendron stress-free. Any extreme fluctuation on either side of this range isn't good for this potted plant. 
  • Fertilizer: Feed a diluted liquid fertilizer once or twice a month during early spring or summer. 
  • Pests & diseases: Monitor your plant for pests and diseases regularly. Keep its leaves clean and dust-free.
  • How to Propagate Philodendron: FAQs

    Q: Is it better to propagate Philodendrons in water or soil?

    A: Philodendrons can be propagated in both water and soil. Soil propagation promotes stronger root growth while water propagation speeds up the process of root development. 

    Q: Where is the node on a Philodendron?

    A: A node can be found along the Philodendron’s stem from where new roots or leaves emerge. Don't confuse it with an internode, which is the area of stem between any two nodes. 

    Q: How long do Philodendron cuttings take to root?

    A: Philodendron stem cuttings can take 3-4 weeks to root, depending on the medium you use. Generally, rooting a baby Philo plant in water takes less time than in soil. 

    Q: Can you propagate Philodendron from a leaf?

    A: No, you can't propagate a Philodendron from a leaf. This is because you need a cutting with at least one node for propagation, which is only found on the stem. 

    Q: What is the easiest Philodendron to propagate?

    A: Philodendron hederaceum, or heart-leaf Philodendron is the easiest Philodendron to propagate. 

    Q: How to propagate a non-trailing Philodendron?

    A: The soil method works best for a non-trailing Philodendron. Snip a 4 to 6-inch long healthy stem cutting from the plant and root it in a pot filled with fresh soil mix. Alternatively, you can divide a large self-heading Philodendron into smaller plants and repot them in individual containers.  

    Q: How long should Philodendron roots be before planting?

    A: Ideally, you should allow the baby Philodendron roots to grow at least an inch long before planting it in the soil. 


    Propagating Philodendrons is both straightforward and rewarding. You can expand your collection and share the baby Philodendron plants as gifts with friends and family. Whether you choose the cuttings or division propagation technique, this guide helps you multiply any Philodendron variety effortlessly, adding more greenery to your space. With patience and attention to detail, you'll soon enjoy thriving new Philo plants that brighten your home.

    In addition, why not consider growing other low-maintenance plants like Snake plants, Peace Lilies, or Golden Pothos, which look similar to a Philodendron? They can be the perfect companion plants that create a beautiful mix of textures and colors, making your indoor garden even more delightful.