How to Grow and Care for your Aralia Ming Stump
Why is the Aralia Ming Stump plant so popular among new plant growers and experienced bonsai experts alike? Because they are so unique looking with their feathery leaves and tree-like base, and also are easy to care for!

What is an Aralia Ming Stump?
This plant native to India is beautiful with deep green leaves and a unique woody stalk. The fluffy, feathery striking foliage really makes it stand out as a fantastic addition to your green collection and add an eye-catching touch to any part of your home. The Aralia Ming Stump's light green leaves contrast beautifully from the brown to grey trunk, making it a favorite for many. Due to their structure, where they often branch horizontally, they are also often used in bonsai.
Beyond its decorative properties, the root extract from the Aralia Ming Stump and the leaves are often used in treatments or additives for health purposes or flavor (though we do not recommend trying this at home!). The root is usually eaten raw or boiled with curries in Thailand! Besides this plant's functional uses, it is also greatly valued as decor. While called a "Stump," this usually references how tall the plant is, not its woody stems at the base.
(PS - Lively Root lets you buy indoor plants online, such as the Aralia Ming Stump!)
Toxicity Level
Aralia Ming Stump contains toxins that make it unsafe for pets, cats, and dogs! This plant can cause vomiting, oral irritation, skin irritation, diarrhea, and vomiting if ingested. Keep your Aralia Ming Stump out of pets' reach, or avoid this if your home may not have a safe, secure place to grow.
Care Level
Aralia plant care indoor is easy and pretty low maintenance, making it an excellent pick for less confident plant parents! Since it needs only moderate indirect light, a bit of humidity, and watering when the top inch of soil is dry, helping those with less experience feel comfortable with them.
Great for People:
- Who are new plant owners and want something easy to start with
- Who are interested in bonsai
- Who loves tropical vibes, and even maybe Feng Shui!
- Who has a small space but want immediate impact
- Who like unique leaves and texture, such as those on this feathery plant
Great for Spaces Like:
- Homes with bright but indirect lighting
- A mantle or shelf out of pets' reach
- Where it can be integrated as texture among other greenery
- Those with medium humidity
- Partial shade patios
How to Care for an Aralia Ming Stump
Light preference
The Aralia Ming Stump can survive in lower light conditions but prefers medium to bright indirect light. If you have it in a lower light area, it may struggle to grow and become less healthy. Try to prevent direct sun exposure, especially when placed outdoors - partially shaded patios are great for them!
Your plant will do best if you let the soil dry out between waterings. In order to check, you can poke a finger or wooden skewer into the soil gently to see if the top two inches are dry! If possible, always try to flush the soil with filtered, rain, or bottled water to keep the plant happy - minerals found in tap water can negatively affect your plants. If the saucer under your pot fills, make sure it is dried by pouring it out or using a towel so that you don't create an environment for root rot. The Aralia prefers a bit of humidity, so put it next to a humidifier, spritz occasionally, or put it on top of a pebble tray filled with water.
Ideal Temps
To keep the Aralia Ming Stump plant happy, keep the temperatures around it as consistent as possible to protect their fine root system. Keep it away from cold drafts by open windows, AC vents, or doors to prevent issues with growth or damage. It most enjoys warmer temperatures around or above 70°F. 60°F are too cold and can harm the plant.
Plant Food/Fertilizer
Make sure to fertilize your Aralia Ming Stump two to three times a year between March and October, which is their growing season, to encourage the best possible growth and health. In the winter months, you can take a break from feeding your plant so they can rest during the shorter days. When you fertilize your plant, make sure the indoor plant isn't stressed out, which can occur when they are extremely dry or infested with a pest or disease.
Repotting Frequency
When you first receive your plant, don't repot immediately! Let them get used to their new home and wait 6-12 months or if the roots rise to the surface of the soil. Water the plant in the old pot before transplanting, and try to repot in the late winter. Use a 2" bigger pot, place a screen at the bottom of the container to secure the soil, and use a well-draining indoor potting mix with perlite, pine bark, and sphagnum peat moss to help with drainage and to add acidity. Make sure to follow our guide so that the plant is safely moved to its new home once every three years.
When your Aralia Ming Stump starts to get unruly, or you are looking to try to cut it back, you can always propagate by taking a stem cutting between 4-6 inches long with leaves attached. Make sure your pruners are sanitized. Dip the cuttings in water and then a rooting hormone, and then place the stem 1-2 inches down into a damp, well-draining pot with well-draining soil. Place a clear plastic bag over the cutting and mist the bag to create a mini-greenhouse, and set them in bright, indirect sunlight. Add mist to increase humidity and keep the soil most for 6-8 weeks until the roots are secure.
To clean your Aralia Ming Stump, you certainly can hand-clean the leaves with a damp cloth to wipe off any dust, dirt, or debris. Another option is to put them in a bath or shower and use a watering can filled with filtered water to rinse the leaves. Doing this simulates rain, which naturally cleans these plants in their environment!
Common Issues of the Aralia Ming Stump
Aralia Ming Stumps are often pretty hardy against issues, but occasionally you may run into some pests. Make sure to always check your plants when you water them for signs of potential disease or bugs under the leaves, on the stems, and on the soil! Some common pests are spider mites, scale, or mealybugs. Unfortunately, all plants are prone to these problems, so make sure to pay close attention and treat issues promptly, so you don't end up with an infestation!
Another common problem people see with Aralia Ming Stumps is yellowing leaves or leaves dropping off their plants. This behavior is often from a lack of nutrients, overwatering, cold drafts, or a lack of humidity. Keep an eye on your plant, and it will communicate with you when something isn't right!
Complimentary Plants with your Aralia Ming Stump:
Aralia Fabian Stump is a similar variety of plant, however, it has rounded, shiny leaves rather than the feathery ones that define an Aralia Ming! It has extremely similar requirements to the Aralia Ming, requiring moderate to bright indirect light, the same watering frequency, and some humidity. These are great to pair together due to their similar trunks but contrasting leaves and textures!
Spider Plants are a great pairing for the Aralia Ming Stump. They also prefer similar levels of light, watering, and humidity! Spider Plants are well-known as great starter plants and have an exciting propagation lifecycle with their pups! We highly recommend this pairing for new plant parents and those looking for a plant addition with longer, more slender leaves.
For more information on caring for your new indoor plant, check out our comprehensive care guide here.
Want to buy your plants online? Find Aralia Ming Stump here!