How Often to Water Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise, or crane flower, as you may call it in South Africa, is a striking houseplant known for its lush, fan-like foliage and dramatic flowers. Often mistaken for a banana tree, due to its naturally torn leaves along the edges, it produces vivid blooms in shades of orange, blue, white, and purple.
Although Birds of Paradise plants are relatively easy to care for, understanding their water requirements is key if you wish to enjoy their vibrant look for years.
So, how often should you water a Bird of Paradise? Do Birds of Paradise like to be wet? This comprehensive guide has all the answers. Keep reading to learn everything you need about watering these gorgeous large exotic plants at home.
About Bird of Paradise

The Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) is a stunning tropical plant. It's native to the eastern coastlines of South Africa, where it grows in patches spanning for miles. This perennial features blooms that look like a “bird in flight,” with bright orange and blue petals, which is how it got its name. It features broad, long green leaves, similar to a banana tree. This beautiful houseplant thrives in bright sunlight and well-drained soil and requires regular watering.
Known as a symbol of freedom, joy, and paradise, the Bird of Paradise plant is a popular choice for adding elegance to any space.
The Giant Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) is a larger variety that can easily reach a height of up to 30 ft. and has white and blue flowers. Unlike the smaller Strelitzia reginae, which only grows up to 5-6 ft., this one is more like a tall tree and needs even more space and sunlight to thrive.
Be careful if you have pets! The Bird of Paradise can be toxic to cats and dogs.
How Often Should You Water a Bird of Paradise?
To master Bird of Paradise care, plant enthusiasts need to understand this tropical beauty’s watering requirements. So, how often should Bird of Paradise be watered? Let’s find out!.
When to Water Bird of Paradise
Water your Bird of Paradise plant once every 1-2 weeks. Check the soil beforehand and ensure that about 50% is dry. Factors like temperature and humidity influence how often you water your Bird of Paradise in summer and winter. You may need to hydrate it once a week in the summer, as it needs more moisture in hot weather. In winter, however, you may reduce watering to every 3 weeks.
How Much Water Does a Bird of Paradise Need?
How much water do you put in Birds of Paradise? Water your plant thoroughly until water starts seeping through the drainage holes. These tropical perennials don't like excess watering or wet feet, thus, empty the saucer after you’re finished watering the plant. Again, always allow the soil to dry between waterings.
How to Water Bird of Paradise: Best Practices

How do you water a Bird of Paradise, from the top or the bottom? Most novice gardeners wonder what the appropriate technique is. In truth, there’s no right answer, as a combination of both methods works best.
Do You Water Birds of Paradise From Top or Bottom?
The more common method is to water Birds of Paradise from the top. Pour water onto the soil until it begins to drain through the holes. This way, you can hydrate the root ball evenly and help flush out any salt build-up. Overwatering can harm the plant, so always check if the soil is dry first.
Bottom watering is another option. Place the pot in a shallow container with water and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. This allows the plant to absorb water from the roots upwards, which is great if the topsoil dries out too quickly.
Should You Soak Bird of Paradise?
Soak your Bird of Paradise plant when the soil is dry and feels crumbly. Place the Strelitzia in a sink or tub filled with filtered or distilled water and let it soak for at least 20-30 minutes. Remove the plant once 50% of the soil has absorbed moisture and drain any leftover water to avoid root rot.
What Kind of Water Is Best for Bird of Paradise Plant
Filtered or distilled water is generally safe for plants like the Bird of Paradise. It's free from harmful minerals and salts that can accumulate in the soil over time, blocking proper nutrient and water absorption. If you use regular tap water, allow it to sit overnight so any chemicals, such as chlorine, can evaporate before watering the plant.
Overwatered Vs. Underwatered Bird of Paradise

Inexperience in Strelitzia care can lead to an overwatered or underwatered Bird of Paradise. So, let’s explore the most common signs of an unhealthy plant due to watering mistakes and how to fix or prevent them.
What Does an Overwatered Bird of Paradise Look Like?
You can easily recognize an overwatered Bird of Paradise by its:
- Yellowing leaves
- Dark brown roots
- Saturated potting soil
- Leaves with brown edges
- Soft and mushy leaves
- Wilting leaves
- Leaves splitting
- Foul-smelling soil and/or roots
- Slow or stunted growth
How to Fix an Overwatered Bird of Paradise?
It’s vital to stop watering an overwatered Bird of Paradise and let the soil dry out. Move the plant to a sunnier location if needed. Then, gently remove the plant from its pot and check the roots. Trim any mushy or rotten roots using sharp, sterilized scissors. Repot the plant in fresh, well-draining soil in a pot with drainage holes. Place it in bright, indirect sunlight and water again when the soil feels dry. Can Birds of Paradise recover from overwatering? Yes, with proper care, your plant can bounce back and look vibrant again.
How Do I Know If My Bird of Paradise Needs Water?
Your plant will show the signs if it’s badly dehydrated. Here’s how to tell if my Bird of Paradise needs water:
- Dry and curled foliage
- Dry potting mix
- Breaking or splitting foliage
- Brown leaves with crisp edges
- Dusty, crumbly topsoil
- Slow or stunted growth
How Do You Rehydrate a Bird of Paradise?
To rehydrate a Bird of Paradise, water it deeply until the soil feels moist but not soggy. Soaking your Strelitzia for 30 minutes is also appropriate in this case. Check the soil regularly and water when the top few inches are dry. For a curly underwatered Bird of Paradise, mist the leaves lightly and place the plant in a spot with filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight while it recovers. You
can also hydrate the dry leaves with a damp cotton cloth. Wipe them gently to remove any dust.
Now that you know how to bring a Bird of Paradise back to life, let’s look into some frequently asked questions about this gorgeous plant.
How Often to Water Bird of Paradise: FAQs
Q: Is it better to overwater or underwater Birds of Paradise?
A: It’s better to underwater Birds of Paradise than to overwater them. Overwatering can cause root rot, apart from triggering other issues. If the soil feels dry about 1-2 inches deep, it’s time to water. Always let the soil dry out a bit between waterings. Too much water can quickly damage this beautiful plant.
Q: Can Bird of Paradise grow in water?
A: No, a Bird of Paradise can’t grow entirely in water. It needs well-draining soil to thrive. While some plants can survive in water, this one requires its roots to breathe and dry out between waterings. You can root cuttings in water for a short time, but the plant needs soil for long-term health.
Q: How long can a Bird of Paradise go without water?
A: A Bird of Paradise can go about 2 weeks without water, depending on the weather. In warmer climates, it might need water more often. If the leaves of your Bird of Paradise start curling or the soil feels very dry, it’s time to water. Always check the soil before watering to avoid overwatering.
Q: Should I mist the Bird of Paradise?
A: Definitely, yes! You should mist your Bird of Paradise, especially in dry environments. It loves humidity, and misting can keep its leaves healthy. However, don’t overdo it. Mist once or twice a week to keep the plant fresh. Wiping the leaves with a damp cloth also helps keep dust away.
Q: What does an unhealthy Bird of Paradise look like?
A: An unhealthy Bird of Paradise often has yellowing leaves, brown tips, or drooping stems. Curling leaves also mean that the plant is not getting enough water, while mushy roots point to the case of overwatering. Pests like spider mites or scales can also damage the plant. Check for these early signs to keep your plant healthy.
Caring for a Bird of Paradise plant can be a rewarding experience when you understand its water requirements. Understanding how often and how much to water Bird of Paradise can make all the difference in enjoying your plant for decades! Remember to watch for signs of overwatering or underwatering to ensure your plant stays healthy.
Consider pairing your Strelitzia Reginae with Flamingo Flower or rare and unique plants like Monstera Thai Constellation and Philodendron Price of Orange for a beautiful exotic indoor garden. With the right care, your Bird of Paradise and these companion plants will bring a tropical vibe to your home!