Bring Good Luck and Positive Vibes with These 17 Feng Shui Plants

Do you want to attract fortune and positive energy into your life? According to the ancient Chinese Feng Shui philosophy, many gorgeous plants can bring money and good luck. Placed in the right spot, Feng Shui plants will not only be the perfect decoration for your indoor space but will also harmonize your home and balance its energy flows.
Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a gardening newbie, you can enjoy the magic of Feng Shui plants in your home or office, and create a peaceful green environment that fends off the negative and brings in the positive.
So, let’s explore 17 of the best Feng Shui plants!
What Is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy of human life’s connection to the environment. It focuses on harmonizing lifestyle with the natural world by arranging buildings, objects, and spaces for balance.
Feng Shui is also called Tao, or "the way." Meanwhile, "Feng" means "wind," and "Shui" means "water." So, Feng Shui can be translated to "the way of wind and water."
Following Feng Shui aims to harness “chi,” or good energy. It is believed to have a positive impact on your life.
What Are the Rules of Feng Shui?
Feng Shui’s key rules to create harmonious spaces start with decluttering to ensure free chi or energy flow. Excess material stuff or poorly arranged belongings can stagnate positive vital life force.
Key furniture pieces like beds and desks should be placed in commanding positions. That means they should be far away from the door but not directly facing it.
Use natural elements like water, wood, metal, fire, and earth with the right colors and materials. Mirrors reflect and increase positive energy and natural light.
Pay attention to the Bagua map, which divides a space into areas representing aspects of life. The ultimate goal is to create a balanced, serene environment that empowers the person occupying it.
What Do Plants Represent in Feng Shui?
Feng Shui suggests using plants for good luck and a vibrant life force. They symbolize growth and prosperity, and their right placement can enhance positive energy flow.
Plants balance the five elements of nature, reduce stress, boost happiness, and enhance well-being. Feng Shui lucky plants invite wealth, fortune, and growth.
17 Best Feng Shui Plants
Are you wondering what plants to incorporate into your home decor to maximize luck and prosperity? Check out our list of the best Feng Shui plants:
1. Philodendron Heartleaf

Philodendron Heartleaf (Philodendron hederaceum) is a tropical plant, recognized by its glossy heart-shaped leaves and trailing vines. According to Feng Shui, it brings mental calmness and relaxation. It also represents love and signifies balance and partnership.
Like most Philodendrons, this variety enjoys bright but indirect sunlight, mild temperatures, high humidity, and consistent watering.
2. Golden Pothos
Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) plants have vibrant green leaves that symbolize growth, renewal, and wealth. They boost positivity and enhance the energy of any space. Note, however, that Golden pothos is toxic to cats and dogs.
These plants prefer medium but indirect sunlight, with at least 6 hours of daily light exposure. They should be watered once every week to flourish. Pothos plants prefer high humidity and mild temperatures.
3. Jade Plant
The Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) is one of the most popular Feng Shui front-door plants. The Jade plant holds a special symbolic meaning and is believed that attracts wealth, prosperity, good fortune, success, and positivity.
Jade plants should be kept at the entrance or in the southeast corner of a room. Jade plant care includes bright but indirect sunlight, a drink every 2-3 weeks, low humidity, and warm temperatures.
4. Money Tree
Money Tree (Pachira aquatica) brings wealth and is one of the favorite lucky office desk plants. It is a common gift at corporate events, weddings, and housewarming parties.
It's a low-maintenance plant that you should water every 1-2 weeks. It enjoys moderate to high humidity and flourishes at room temperature, with access to bright, filtered light.
5. Lucky Bamboo
Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) plants enhance the ambiance of a room and purify the air. That’s why they are excellent Feng Shui bedroom plants, known to boost positive energy and good luck.
They make great corporate gifts and are among the favorite lucky Feng Shui plants for office spaces. To care for your Lucky Bamboo, ensure it receives bright but indirect sunlight and average indoor humidity.
6. Lemon Tree

A Lemon Tree (Citrus limon), placed in an east-facing direction, brings growth and good health. This citrus tree is a good Feng Shui plant for new beginnings, regulating positive energy.
It can thrive as a potted plant indoors and outdoors if it gets 8 hours of full sunlight. Water the plant once or twice a week and keep it in a warm and humid environment.
7. Chinese Money Plant
The Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides) is a popular Feng Shui indoor plant. It is known to bring good luck and prosperity. Moreover, it is a pet-friendly plant variety that won’t harm your furry friend.
These money Feng Shui plants are also a great choice if you’re looking for a lucky office desk plant or need to improve your mental health. The Chinese Money plant prefers warm temperatures, extra humidity, weekly watering, and medium to bright indirect sunlight.
8. Laurentii Snake Plant
The variegated Laurentii Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii') is believed to enable protection and positive virtues. They are front-house lucky plants that invite fortune, longevity, health, creativity, and strength.
These delightful Sansevieria plants thrive in medium light, although they can handle low-light settings, too. Water them every 2-3 weeks, depending on the climate, and maintain low humidity around them.
9. Areca Palm
Areca Palms (Dypsis lutescens) are considered lucky plants for homes and gardens, signifying peace, prosperity, abundance, and positivity. They also have strong air-purifying properties, improving the indoor air quality. With their arching fronds, these gorgeous indoor palms bring a tropical vibe to any space.
Areca palms thrive in medium, indirect light, and medium humidity. Water it every 7-10 days for best results.
10. String of Hearts

The String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii) represents progress, development, and enhanced personal understanding. It promotes serenity and brings luck and abundance, according to Feng Shui.
To see this unique-looking succulent flourish, simply water it once a week and keep it in bright, indirect light.
11. Peace Lily
Peace Lilies (Spathiphyllum), with their white blooms, signify harmony, balance, and tranquility. They work best when placed in a north-facing position and are ideal Feng Shui plants in bedroom spaces.
Peace lilies are fairly easy to care for, with weekly watering requirements and access to bright, indirect sunlight. They also prefer moderate temperatures and medium humidity.
12. Peacock Plant
Peacock Plants (Calathea roseopicta) bring stability to life and provide a strong foundation for development and success. They also have a positive, calming effect, making them excellent lucky plants for indoor spaces.
Place them in a spot that receives medium to bright, indirect light with high humidity and warmth. Remember to water them once or twice a week.
13. Anthurium Clarinervium

Anthurium clarinervium is known for its tropical jungle look, due to its striking foliage. This relatively large plant can reach 3 ft. high, making it perfect for larger indoor spaces. It boasts big, heart-shaped, velvety dark-green leaves, which represent love and peace. This plant is a positive energy magnet, making it one of the beloved lucky indoor plants in Feng Shui.
It enjoys bright, filtered sunlight..Water your Anthurium twice a week and ensure average to high humidity, and warm temperatures.
14. Bird of Paradise Plant
Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae) are excellent front-house lucky plants, welcoming joy, luck, and fortune. They also signify excitement and freedom and make wonderful gifts of faithfulness in love.
These positive energy plants display vibrant banana-like leaves and striking flowers when watered every week. They’re low-maintenance plants, enjoying several hours of bright, direct light, and flourish in room temperatures with no additional humidity.
15. Baby Rubber Plant
Baby Rubber Plants (Peperomia obtusifolia) symbolize nourishment and well-being and are often associated with fertility. These lucky indoor plants promote creative energies, personal growth, and new beginnings.
Baby Rubber Plant care is relatively easy. These beauties thrive in medium to bright indirect light but tolerate low-light conditions, too. They prefer high humidity to grow well.
16. Burgundy Rubber Tree
Burgundy Rubber Trees (Ficus robusta 'Burgundy') are lucky plants that work their magic in northeast-facing spots. In Feng Shui, they establish stability and balance and promote transformation, resilience, and growth.
These gorgeous Rubber Tree plants with dark leaves thrive in bright, indirect light and medium humidity. Water them once a week or when the soil feels dry.
17. Fittonia

Fittonia albivenis is a Feng Shui plant that promotes positive energy and good luck. It opens paths and helps overcome challenges and obstacles. Moreover, it’s a pet-friendly plant, ideal for animal lovers and homes with pets.
Allow this flowering plant to bask in bright but indirect sunlight and high-humidity environments. Water it every 3-4 days in the summer, and once a week in the winter.
Feng Shui Plants: FAQs
Q: Why does Feng Shui say no plants in the bedroom?
A: Some Feng Shui experts say no to plants in bedrooms as their energy interrupts sleep. Other experts believe the Lucky bamboo and Peace Lily are great Feng Shui bedroom plants. They recommend keeping spiky, sharp-leaved plants out of the bedroom to avoid stress.
Q: Where should Feng Shui plants be placed in the home?
A: Feng Shui suggests placing indoor plants in different locations throughout the house. Doing so helps regulate vital energy flow. They should be placed in the direction of the door and away from cluttered spaces. Follow the Bagua map to analyze different energy zones before arranging your plants.
Q: What plants should be avoided in Feng Shui?
A: Bonsai, Cactus, Weeping Fig, Cotton Plant, Bamboo Palm, and Oleander are bad luck Feng Shui plants. They are believed to bring negative energy into the space where they're kept. Also, avoid large plants in small spaces, dead or dying plants, and dried flowers, as these are also considered a no-no in Feng Shui.
Q: What is the luckiest plant according to Feng Shui?
A: Feng Shui plants like Golden Pothos, Jades, and Chinese Money plants bring wealth and prosperity. Ficus plants bring growth and development, while Snake plants boost protection. And Bird of Paradise and Lucky Bamboo represent faithfulness and love.
Q: Are dried flowers bad in Feng Shui?
A: Many believe keeping dried flowers and dead or dying plants at home is not a good Feng-Shui practice. They are a source of Yin Qi. That means they are related to death. Dead flowers do not have any life force and inhibit the flow of positive energy and vitality. But some people say that this is just a myth.
Q: Which plant is a symbol of wealth?
There are many Feng Shui plants for wealth that you can place in your indoor green corners. Jade plants, Golden Pothos, Money trees, Chinese Money plants, Areca palms, etc., are popular symbols of wealth. You can also place money good luck plants in offices or near the entrance of your business place.
According to Feng Shui, lucky plants for indoor spaces can enhance the overall vibe of the place. You can incorporate them into your home or office decor or gift them to special people.
But remember, it’s not enough to just have good luck plants around you to evoke the power of Feng Shui. You need to create a positive, clutter-free space and include all 5 natural elements to get the full benefits of this ancient Chinese practice and belief.