21 Hardy, Drought-Resistant Plants Ideal for Novice Gardeners

By: Matt Slaymaker
August 21, 2024
Drought Resistant Plants
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Everyone wants a touch of nature at home, but many lack the time to take care of their favorite green space. There’s a solution: drought-resistant plants that don’t demand much care! 

Many plants that require little water and thus, are relatively undemanding, can grace your indoor living space. There’s also a wide range of outdoor plants that don't need water too frequently and can enhance easily recreational outdoor areas. These are the perfect solution for plant enthusiasts with a busy life and an unpredictable schedule.

Let’s look at the list of the best drought-resistant plants that can withstand and thrive in hot, dry climates.

Benefits of Drought Resistant Plants 

Benefits of Drought Resistant Plants

Drought-tolerant plants are resilient beauties offering a low-maintenance way to add green life to your space. The benefits of heat and drought-tolerant plants are as follows:

  • Resilience: Drought-tolerant plants are usually more capable of handling pests indoors and outdoors. They can tackle heat, dry air conditions, and other issues better.
  • Adaptability: Since these plants are more resilient, they adapt to sudden changes in their growing conditions. They can also handle transplant shock better and bounce back quickly. 
  • Low-maintenance: Drought-friendly plants are less fussy since they don’t need a lot of water and frequent hydration. They’re easier to care for, as they don’t need a fixed, tight watering schedule.
  • Beginner-friendly: As hardy, adaptable, undemanding plants that can handle a little neglect, drought-tolerant greenery adjusts well and fast to their environment. That makes them perfect for new plant parents, who lack the skills and experience. 
  • Fight erosion: Outdoor drought-friendly plants often have deep root systems. So, landscaping drought-friendly perennials and grasses can help fight soil erosion better.
  • Oxygen release: Many drought-tolerant plants are CAM plants, known to release oxygen at night. Thus, they improve the indoor air quality at nighttime, making them ideal bedroom plants.
  • Water conservation: Drought-resistant plants are tolerant to low-water conditions. So, these plants need significantly less water, saving our most precious resource. 
  • Reduce temperature: Research shows that drought-resistant plants can help with reducing night temperatures.

21 Drought Resistant Plants With a Tropical Vibe

What are the top choices for drought-resistant plants? You can take your pick from the list of 21 gorgeous drought-friendly plants below:

1. Aloe Vera - The Celebrity of Succulents   

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Plants (Aloe barbadensis) are drought-tolerant succulents that thrive in well-draining soil. They require minimal watering, especially during fall and winter when you can water them sparingly.  Aloe Vera is popular all over the world for their medicinal properties. They are used in a wide range of beauty and health products.

2. Snake Plants - Sword-leaf Heroes 

Snake Plant

Snake Plants (Sansevieria) are much-loved succulent plants that are resilient and adaptable, withstanding easily heat and lack of water in dry environments. These drought-resistant perennials without stems can go without water even for a few weeks. They are extremely hardy plants and can store water in their leaves. 

3. Bird of Paradise - Heavenly Beauty of the Tropics  

Bird of Paradise Plant

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginea) plants are known for their gorgeous drought-resistant flowers. The dramatic display of colors of these evergreen perennials makes them a popular plant. Bird of Paradise care is a rewarding experience, as they are great at flourishing in heat and dry conditions. You need to allow the soil to dry between watering sessions to help these plants thrive and prevent problems and leaf issues

4. String of Pearls - Mother Nature’s Jewelry

String of Pearls

String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus) are gorgeous succulents offering unique beauty to any green space. They only need bright, indirect sunlight and well-draining soil to stay gorgeous for years. Their round, pearl-like leaves store water for the plants, which is why you don’t need to water your String of Pearls plant that frequently. These decorative plants also purify indoor air.   

5. Black Raven ZZ Plant - Houseplant With Gothic Beauty 

Black Raven ZZ Plant

All ZZ plants are resistant to dry, low-water conditions and the Black Raven ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Black Raven'), with blackish-purple leaves, is no exception. It can also tolerate low-light, however, it’s best to keep your ZZ companion in medium indirect light. This will help keep the leaves bright and healthy while maintaining their dark color.  

6. Rosemary - Evergreen Kitchen Princess


Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) is an aromatic herb that is not only popular as a potted culinary plant in your kitchen. It can be an excellent addition to a thoughtfully landscaped drought-friendly garden. Rosemary doesn’t want to be watered too often and hates it when the soil is too moist. These pet-safe and hard-to-kill drought-tolerant evergreen shrubs are perfect even for beginners. 

7. Rubber Tree - Dramatic Statement Plants

Rubber Tree

Rubber Trees (Ficus Elastica), known for their glossy leaves, are popular among beginner indoor gardeners. They’re not only gorgeous but also low-maintenance, as they are resilient and adaptable plants from the Ficus family. They enjoy a warm and humid environment and you should place tropical plants in a spot with bright but indirect sunlight.   

8. Lantana - Bright Butterfly Magnet 

Lantana Plant

Lantana (Lantana camara) are a welcome sight in the garden, thanks to their abundant blooms. These drought-tolerant shrubs produce clusters of brightly colored flowers. They are easy to grow in containers at home and on your patio or deck. The best part is that these flowering plants are quite forgiving when it comes to care but protect them from frost to ensure they bloom properly.

9. Sago Palm - Tropical Outdoor Stunner

Sago Palm

Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta) plants, with their feather-shaped leaves, can add a tropical touch to outdoor spaces. You can also place these full sun drought-tolerant plants indoors as statement floor plants. However, remember that these palms also enjoy a little bit of moisture and humidity. The right environment can keep their fronds bright and green. 

10. Hoya Heart: Sweetheart Succulents

Hoya Heart

Hoya Heart (Hoya kerrii) succulents are drought-tolerant indoor plants that can grab instant attention. They are often grown as a single, thick, heart-shaped leaf. This hoya variety does not need to be watered frequently and needs a drink only when the top of the soil is dry. It can also tolerate medium-light conditions. However, if you want it to thrive, ensure it receives bright, indirect light.   

11. Coneflower: Resilient Summer Showstopper


Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) plants thrive in low-rainfall regions and hate to be too wet. These plants have drought-tolerant flowers that attract birds and butterflies to the garden. There are different varieties of this medicinal plant, blooming into flowers of various colors. These blossoms are also long-lasting and don’t demand constant attention.

12. Jade Plant - Feng Shui Hero 

Jade Plant

Known for bringing luck and prosperity, Jade Plants (Crassula ovata) are low-maintenance drought-resistant succulents. They are equally popular in the home or office, as they are natural air purifiers and always add a positive vibe to any space. Jade plant care requires providing this succulent with bright, indirect light and a warm environment. It doesn’t need to be watered frequently; you can give them a drink when the soil is completely dry.

13. Hindu Rope Plant - Curly-leaf Queen

Hindu Hoya Rope Plant

Hindu Hoya Rope Plants (Hoya carnosa 'Compacta') are known for their unique curly leaves, resembling a twisted rope, hence the name. These gorgeous plants can become accent pieces wherever they’re placed. While they are drought-resistant, it’s a good idea to ensure they are not underwatered. This will help maintain the gorgeous color of their leaves.  

14. Janet Craig Dragon Plant - Legend with Dragon’s Blood

Janet Craig Dragon Plant

Janet Craig Dragon Plants (Dracaena 'Janet Craig') are popular for their resilient nature and beautiful foliage. This Dracaena variety thrives without much water and can easily tolerate low-light conditions. Being drought-resistant plants, they are relatively indestructible!

15. Thyme - Herb Garden Essential 


Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a fragrant drought-resistant herb. Its leaves are used in French, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Italian cuisines. The thyme plant is easy to care for and it can handle a little neglect quite well. In the first few weeks of planting, this herb needs frequent watering. But once it’s established, it becomes tolerant to dry conditions.   

16. Lavender - Calming Aromatic Delight


Lavender ((Lavandula) is a favorite of garden owners because of their divine fragrance and beauty. If you plan to create a drought-resistant garden, you must include these plants. They are desert-friendly groundcovers and can handle heat and dry conditions easily. There are different varieties of these drought-tolerant flowering plants. Most of them are naturally hardy, while some cultivars are bred to be more resilient. 

17. Bromeliad Neoregelia - Accent Pieces for Every Room

Bromeliad Neoregelia

Bromeliad Neoregelia (Neoregelia Bromeliad) plants are known for their unique, brightly-colored flowers. These beauties can become the centerpieces in any room you place them. Bromeliads enjoy occasional spritzing and infrequent watering sessions. Too much water can cause root rot and kill the plants. 

18. Agave - Architectural Desert Star

Agave Plant

You may have used the sweet syrup from Agaves (Agave americana) and fallen in love. These plants are also well-known for their striking, sword-shaped leaves. They are drought-tolerant perennials, which are both hardy and easy to care for. However, for the first few months, the plants need to be watered frequently. Once they're established, you will only need to water them from time to time during the hot and dry seasons.

19. Ice Plant - Dazzling Jewel Plant 

Ice Plant

Ice Plants (Aizoaceae) have leaves that can store water. This ability makes them adaptable to heat. They make the perfect front yard drought-tolerant plants, enhancing your property’s curb appeal. Ice plants are ideal for water-wise gardens, designed with water conservation in mind. They can be grown as excellent groundcovers with their pretty flowers looking like colorful jewels amidst the greenery.

20. Echeveria: - Rose-like Green Succulents 


Succulents are, in general, fairly low-maintenance and don’t need a lot of water. The same goes for Echeveria Elegans. With a beautiful rosette-shaped structure, Echeverias are popular among plant enthusiasts worldwide and are perfect for making live succulent wreaths. Place them in a sunny spot and watch them thrive, even if you forget to water them regularly. These plants are gorgeous additions to rock gardens and indoor spaces. 

21. Oleander - Heat-loving Showy Bloomer


Oleander (Nerium oleander) plants are known for their large, beautiful flowers. These drought-resistant shrubs grow particularly well in seaside gardens. They are good at handling salt in the air and wind. These evergreens grow rapidly and burst into flowers in various colors. They are forgiving plants that can deal with some neglect quite well. 


Drought plants might be perfect if you’re new to plant care and gardening. Low-water plants both outdoors and indoors, improve the aesthetics and environment of your space without demanding much attention, time, and effort 

So, why not consider bringing home some low-maintenance drought-resistant plants to create a green oasis without stressing worrying too much about their well-being and care?